Welcome to Thrifted and Threaded:

An online store stocked with our favorite vintage thrift finds and hand-embroidered t-shirts. Curated just for you.


We are Michaela and Mackenzie, the founders of Thrifted and Threaded—and also identical twins!

We understand your frustration with the fast-fashion industry that churns out new fads each week for you to consume, only to find your purchase quickly fell off the “it list” or simply fell apart. Shopping should be a creative experience that helps you discover more of who you are, not make you feel lost in the crowd.

If you want to hone your personal style, look for quality made items, strive for ethical, sustainable options, all while sticking to a budget, we know that you can no longer trust the main stream fashion industry for results. We gave it up, and we think you should too.

For years now, we have been almost exclusively shopping at second-hand and vintage stores, growing in passion and skill for finding the best pieces of clothing that deserve another day in the sun. Thrift shopping has expanded and redeemed our relationship with fashion, but we know it’s not for everyone. So we’ve curated only the most beautiful, durable, and timeless pieces just for you, so you don’t have to.


The Twins